Monday, December 13, 2021

Sticks and Stones Pottery - Rachel Ballem

Sticks and Stones Pottery is the business name that Rachel Ballem operates under, based in Summerside, PEI. The business Facebook page and Instagram feed both indicate that Rachel Ballem was born and raised on Prince Edward Island, and is a pottery artist that draws inspiration from her Island life and whimsical imagination.

The website for Island Stoneware, a production pottery company in Summerside, PEI indicates that among their potters, "Rachel Ballem joined Island Stoneware in 2019. Originally from Summerside, she started as a self-taught sculptor using newpaper and a food processor to create her first sculpting material. She moved on to polymer clay and then to stoneware clay. She’s been potting for over 22 years. Rachel is the mom of two grown kids and a menagerie of animals."

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Jaiden Carragher Pottery, PEI

Jaiden Carragher has the following accounts for her pottery work: Instagram account - The Spacey Artist Facebook account - The Spacey Artist...